Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Did You Know?

I'm always fascinated by the wide variety of videos and presentations that remind us of how quickly the world is changing around us. This is true on any topic, but the effort some have put into sharing this information as it relates to media is quite substantial. I think we all know this information to be true. . . but sometimes we need a reminder of just how different the world is today. And it's still changing. I'm thankful for that, because that old 'mobile phone in a bag' was quite a bit heavier than my iPhone.

I can't confirm the validity of every statistic or fact in the latest Shift Happens video - "Did You Know 4.0", but there's no doubt the overall theme is accurate. This comes from The Economist and their Media Convergence conference which took place in late October. I'm obviously a bit behind on my posts. Take a look. It'll make you think about where you're headed with your program.

I always put the disclaimer out there that I'm not advocating a giant shift away from traditional annual giving efforts into new media - I'm simply saying that new channels are available to us and they are thriving. We need to be thoughtful about how we use them. Ultimately, it's all about balance and allocating the resources we have appropriately.


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